Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Braden William, you are 4 months old!

Happy 4 month birthday, buddy! Here's what you are up to these days:

-You weigh 13lbs, 13oz (10th percentile) and are 24.75 inches tall (between 25th and 50th percentile).

-You are a happy boy! You smile a lot and have the cutest little dimple. You giggle too - mostly when daddy is blowing on your tummy.

-You eat only breastmilk and formula. The plan is to start some rice cereal soon!

-You usually take 3 naps a day, and you sleep from about 8:30p.m. until either 4am or 6am.

-Sometimes, you really like your pacifier to get to sleep. You also suck on your fingers/hands a lot.

-You are starting to enjoy holding things (blankets, toys, mama's hands).

-You are very alert and active. You have such beautiful, blue eyes and you love to watch other people. You REALLY love watching your big brother play. When you "play", your arms and legs go like crazy.

-You can roll from your front to back, and are close to rolling from back to front.

-You are a little screamer! You have definitely found your voice and a nice high-pitched scream!

-You take medicine for acid reflux. This makes your tummy feel a lot better.

-You love to be swaddled and wrapped up tight for naps and bedtime. When you wake up, you are usually content to just lay in your bed and look around. :)

-You sleep in mommy and daddy's room in a pack 'n play!

Daddy, Mommy, and Jacob love you sooo much. You are getting so big already! We are so glad that you are in our lives, and we can't wait to watch you grow up! Love you buddy!

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