Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Jacob - Two years

Jacob will be 2 years old this week. Happy Birthday to my silly and sweet smartie pants.

Here are some things he loves:

-Food! This kid eats a TON....and he eats almost anything we give him. It is so nice because he always eats the same things we eat.

-His blanket. Jacob sleeps with his blanket and has to have it when reading books. We also have another blanket known as the "special blanket" that we haul out from time to time (when his is in the laundry).

-Playing outside. I think he would stay outside forever if we let him. There are always tears when it is time to come in.

-Grandpa/Grandma and Opa/Nanna. Jacobs spends A LOT of time talking about these special people. He loves going to Grandpa and Grandma's house, and he also loves skyping with his Opa and Nanna.

-His brother. Braden gets many kisses from Jacob each day. Jacob also likes to play a "game" he made up called "Two boys." When Jacob and Braden are next to each other (lying down or being held) he always says "two boys"....he also loves to lay his blanket out and lay with Braden on the floor saying "two boys..."

-Tractors/trucks/balls/dirt. He's a boy, need I say more?!

This list could go on and on. Jacob is such a happy little boy and loves so many things. Here are some other things that my 2 year old is up to and just little things I want to remember:

-He weighs 29lbs, 4oz and is 34.5 inches tall. Both weight and height are in the 50th percentile.
-He counts to 10!
-He knows a lot of basic colors.
-He can say his full name.
-He weighs 29lbs and 4oz. He is between the 50th and 75th% for both weight and height.
-He has had 2 sets of tubes in his ears because of ear infections. As of right now, 1 of the tubes from the 2nd set is out.
-He is big into saying "yes please" and "no thankyou". If you ask him if he's ready for his nap he'll say "no thankyou." :)
-He's a good sleeper. He sleeps about 12 hours at night and will usually take a 2 hour nap in the afternoon.
-He likes to stay busy. On days when Mommy doesn't have to work it can be very hard to keep him entertained.
-He loves to throw and kick balls.
-He will usually wake up and yell "Mommy where ARE you?" until I get him up.

I'm hoping to take some 2 year pictures of him soon, but for now I will just post some random pictures of the last few weeks.

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